The Best Keto Pound Cake Ever!

The most versatile cake I make is the “pound cake”.  Of course, it must be flourless, not to mention low carb and keto friendly!  It has to be either dense or light and fluffy depending on what it will be used for.  Want it for making tiramisu or a trifle?  You want a nice, dense cake that will hold up.  Want it for strawberry shortcake?  You’ll want it light and fluffy.  Need a cake you can add frosting to?  You’ll want something in between dense and fluffy.  Same recipe, with just a few minor alterations!  That’s the great thing about flourless baking, it’s so versatile!  So little worry about your recipe not turning out because you didn’t follow it exactly.  So without further ado, here’s………..


The Very Best Keto Pound Cake Recipe Ever

6 eggs

½ cup melted butter

¼ cup heavy whipping cream

1 tsp real vanilla extract

¼ cup lemon juice

1 cup erythritol(if you like it sweeter, increase to 1 ½ cups)

Blend using electric mixer for about 2 minutes

Now…..depending upon whether you want it dense or fluffy add between……..

2 to 3 ½ cups of The Best Grain Free Baking Mix

Blend with wet ingredients for about one minute until smooth

You have several choices of baking pan.  Generally, I use a large bread pan.  Mine is a bit bigger and deeper than the average bread pan.  A 9 inch square pan would work nicely.  Two-8 inch cake pans will work, but is not ideal.  You’ll really have to watch the cooking time with those.  So the cooking time is “in general”, depending upon what type of pan you use.

What it looks like in my bread pan before baking.

What it looks like in my bread pan before baking.

Pour batter into a well greased baking pan.  Place pan in the center of a pre-heated 350 degree oven and bake for 40 minutes.  Personally, I start checking it at 30 minutes.  A toothpick in the center should come out clean.  Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before turning out of pan and placing on cooling rack.  TA DA!  Pound cake!

Now just a couple of hints, depending upon what you intend to use the cake for:

If you’re wanting a nice, dense cake that will be used for a recipe like trifle or tiramisu, make the dense version using 3 ½ cups of baking mix.  At the end of the baking time, turn off the oven and leave the cake in for another 10 minutes. 

If you’re wanting a cake you can frost, I’ve found that a scant 3 cups of baking mix is the right amount.

Light and fluffy will always be my favorite during berry season!  It soaks up all those lovely berry juices so well!  Two cups of baking mix is plenty.

Just out of the oven!

Just out of the oven!

You can also easily turn this into a chocolate pound cake by eliminating the lemon juice, increase the butter to 1 cup, and add 3 Tbls of cocoa powder.  Taste the batter and see if you want it sweeter.


Approximate Nutritional Data:

8 servings

Calories   339

Fat           32g

Carbs       6.7g

Fiber        2.9g

Protein    10g

Looking pretty upside down while cooling!

Looking pretty upside down while cooling!

A simple and delicious dessert with fresh berries

A simple and delicious dessert with fresh berries